The EnrollmentPlus system has been designed through direct input from an Advisory Council of industry experts from leading Insurance Carriers and Benefit Administrators. We have built a system with purpose to ensure it meets the needs of those who actually use it day in and day out.
EnrollmentPlus' integrated reporting and analytics capabilities help you to understand the health of your enrollment business with the click of a mouse. By capturing every aspect of the enrollment life-cycle, we give you the tools to track and understand your:
A highly configurable Rules Engine helps you catch enrollment errors closer to the source. Each and every enrollment is validated for compliance against HIPAA, Group, Plan and your organization’s specific rules before they are sent to you which keeps your costs down and your enrollment cycle moving smoothly.
Self-service tools help your Enrollment Partners to quickly identify enrollment issues, clearly understand the cause of the issue, and easily fix the problem so that you get clean files through each and every time.
Complete and total visibility into the on-boarding status of new production Groups helps your Staff and your Enrollment Partners plan more effectively.